
Showing posts from February, 2012

Fluorescent Lamps electronic starter and ignition schematic

Standard conventional and circular fluorescent  lamps with filaments can be ignited easily and much  more quickly by using Thyristors instead of the mechanical  starter switch, and solid state Thyristors are more reliable. Thyristors produce a pure solid state igniting circuit with  no mechanical parts in the fluorescent lamp fixture. Also,  because the lamp ignites much faster, the life of the  fluorescent lamp can be increased since the filaments are  activated for less time during the ignition. The Thyristor  ignition eliminates any audible noise or flashing off and on  which most mechanical starters possess. Figure shows a circuit for igniting a fluorescent  lamp with 240 V line voltage input using Triac and DIAC  networks. Figure illustrates a schematic using a SIDAC phase  control network to ignite a 240 V ac fluorescent lamp. The one major  change is that two K2400E devices in series are used to  accomplis...

12V 3A Battery charger schematic

Use of RS allows low charging rates with fully charged battery. * * 1000 μF is recommended to filter out any input transients. Simple12V 3A battery charger schematic, The LM350 series of adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage  regulators is capable of supplying in excess of 3A over a  1.2V to 33V output range. Source: National Semiconductor

Dimmer for Halogen Lamps schematic

The Siemens IC SLB 0587 permits the design of digital electronic phase controls for operation of incandes-cent lamps, dimmer for low-voltage halogen lamps with in-series connected transformers, and universal as well as split-pole motors.  Dimmer for Halogen Lamps schematic diagram. In normal, resistive operation of a phase control circuit there is alternately part of the positive and negative line-voltage half cycle applied to the load via the triac that has started to conduct because of the trigger pulse. Operation of the circuit with a transformer and low-voltage  halogen lamp connected is largely identical to the operation of a normal filament lamp due to  the primarily resistive nature of the load. In operation with resistive and inductive portions of  load, the zero crossing of the current compared to that of the line voltage line is delayed. In operation with heavily inductive loads (eg an idling transformer after lamp failure), a highly  lossy state (h...